What Is an All Natural Fragrance?

What is an All Natural Fragrance?

An all natural fragrance, as defined by ISO 9235:2013, is a fragrance that is composed solely of natural raw materials. These raw materials may include essential oils, extracts from plants, and other natural substances that are derived from botanical sources.

According to the ISO standard, an all natural fragrance must not contain any synthetic ingredients or synthetic fragrances. This means that all of the ingredients used in the production of the fragrance must be derived from natural sources, and no synthetic materials may be used in the formulation.

The ISO standard also specifies that an all natural fragrance must be produced using processes that do not significantly alter the natural raw materials. This means that the raw materials must be processed in a way that preserve their natural properties and characteristics.

In addition to the requirements for natural raw materials and production processes, the ISO standard also specifies that an all natural fragrance must not contain any ingredients that have been genetically modified or irradiated.

Overall, the ISO 9235:2013 standard defines an all natural fragrance as a fragrance that is composed solely of natural raw materials and produced using processes that do not significantly alter the natural characteristics of these materials. By adhering to these standards, companies can ensure that their all natural fragrances are of the highest quality and purity.


ISO (International Organization for Standardization). (2013). ISO 9235:2013: Natural fragrances - All natural fragrance. Retrieved from https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9235:ed-2:v1:en

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