Do's and Don't's of Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances

Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances 


- Use a soft microfiber cloth with an 80/20 blend of polyester/polyamide. The tiny “hooks and scoops” in this blend of microfiber can safely lift up contaminants while also avoiding scratching the surface. Fold the microfiber in half and half again, so you have multiple sections to work with. 

- Wipe in soft even strokes with the grain across the surface. There is no need to use aggressive pressure which could lead to marring or scratching. 

- Look for a plant-based cleaner and polish. These 2-in-1 products perform double duty of removing fingerprints while leaving behind a protective finish. 

- Clean as often as necessary - there is no such thing as “overcleaning” stainless steel (provided you are using the correct product) 


- Use an abrasive scouring pad, bleach or ammonia. These products can easily damage the surface and will leave permanent marks on your appliance. 

- Don’t rely on an “all purpose cleaner” to do the job. While these products will ‘clean’ they are also very prone to leaving pesky streaks behind. In addition, stainless steel requires a protective coating (known as a polish) to help prevent rust, hard water spots, and other contaminants from accumulating over time. 

- Don’t do a DIY solution such as vinegar. The acidic nature is detrimental to the stainless steel finish and will accelerate corrosion, rust, or discoloration over


- Use a petroleum distillate based product. They can dry out your skin, cause respiratory issues, and are hazardous when ingested. They have no place in the kitchen or near food! Look on the front label for “Warning” or “Danger”. 

- Don’t let water stains dwell on the surface (dishwashing machines are notorious for this). Over time they can etch the finish of stainless steel and leave a permanent mark. Clean them up right away! 

All about Streaking… 

Stainless steel is notorious for leaving ‘streaks’ behind. But what exactly are they? Typically streaking is the result of an ‘uneven’ cleaning job. By that we mean that the product has left residue behind which needs to be wiped away. This ‘residue’ is normally either the surfactants (cleaning agents) or contaminants that you were trying to remove in the first place. It is most common to see streaking when you are using a solution such as Windex or an all purpose cleaner because they are heavily loaded with these surfactants. 

To remove streaks you need to ensure you follow-up with a ‘polish’. This will help level out the appearance of the stainless steel surface while leaving behind a brilliant shine.

Therapy Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish has been developed to effortlessly clean and shine in one easy step. Our plant-based formula is effortlessly applied with a spray, wipe and buff process. Click here to buy now. 

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